NDARC were pleased to congratulate yet another successful Foundation candidate after passing their Foundation Exam and entering the world of Amateur Radio. The club always enjoys working new licence holders, so why not drop into the weekly clubnet on a Thursday evening 145.475Mhz at 21:30. June’s meeting also saw the launch of two club based projects for members to get involved with. First up under the title of Shack Essentials was a simple 2m Low Pass Filter designed to reduce unwanted signals from transmissions. The second project kindly arranged by one of the club members was a 7Mhz CW tranceiver. Both projects are available in kit form and come complete with all parts required to get the projects up and running. Members were asked to provide their own tools and equipment for building the kits, however a build time has been arranged for the next meeting to assist members with the construction of the transceiver should they require it. The club is eagerly awaiting the first member to complete their project and get on the air.